This course is intended for industrywide implementation and will provide you with the fundamental knowledge regarding the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Act and other regulations on how to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
You will understand and get to know how to identify the risks of money laundering and financing of terrorism and how it can be prevented by you and the company you work in. After this training you will know of your responsibilities and the responsibilities of the company you work in, when preventing and combating money laundering and terrorism financing, according to current AML Act and other regulations.
The content of this course is primarely based upon the Swedish AML Act and regulations from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen). It addresses both the company and the employee’s responsibility to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
This training is updated yearly.
The training is also avaliable in swedish – Penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism
This course is suitable for you, employed by a company that is subject to the Anit-Money Laundering Act.
The training is an e-learning course consisting of three separate sections and a knowledge test;
- Introduction anti-money laundering (Approximately 15 minutes)
- The company’s responsibility (Approximately 15 minutes)
- Customer due dilligence and reporting (Approximately 30 minutes)
- Knowledge test (Approximately 5 minutes)
All sections are compulsory and must be completed in order to pass.
The training will go through the following:
1. Introduction anti-money laundering
- What money laundering is and where the money comes from
- What terrorist financing is and how it can be done
- The money laundering process
- International rules and cooperation
- Link to sustainability
- Current laws and regulations and the actors covered
- Sanctions
2. The company’s responsibility
- General risk assessment
- Guidelines and procedures
- Training
- Customer awareness
- Risk classification
- Monitoring
- Reporting
3. Customer due dilligence and reporting
- Situations requiring customer awareness
- When it is prohibited to establish or maintain a business relationship or a single transaction
- The customer due diligence process
- Identification and verification
- Purpose and nature of the business relationship
- Measures
- Follow-up
- Reporting and non-disclosure
- Documentation
For further information and support:
Finanskompetens Support
Telefon: 08-651 71 65
For larger groups, contact: